We met at the station (now I know it is 'zelezniska postaja':)), got to know the team and decide on the way to Jesenice. Trip was funny and exciting. Especially due to the fact I love mountains and it is hard to get rid of them in Slovenia :) ... and due to the fact I was going by Peugeot :D:D:D
Friday was more or less a time for us - for sharing perspectives - for cooking - for going into good mood of the 3 days together!!!
Saturday we started with a game- game that in my opinion consolidated us and let us feel comfortable for the rest of the day. We went through @ way understanding, our approach, our actions and values we drive our life. We went through long way of seeing the difference between last year actions and current plans, between doing stuff and making a real change!
We cooked pierogi (~my national dumplings) together (polish cooking lessons always make you feel like a king/queen of the kitchen)...hahahah.
The night of Saturday was lonnnnnnnnnnnnnng. Full of smile, opinions, attitude towards term, polish culture and experiences...Some of us went sleep a bit early ( like 5 am :))...but it was enough to wake up with even more energy for Sunday.
The last week day we spent on recruitment...seeing who we should focus on, who and how to attract, talking about things that differ AIESEC from other institutions! Planning sustainability of our organization!
Some pictures from the weekend:

We left middle of nowhere (as I called the place when we have stayed) with full respect for it) on Sunday late afternoon.
Then Peter and Eric took me to heaven (or somewhere very very close). They took me to my destination point - the lake in Bohinj!
I felt totally free going in the warm mountains water, enjoying participation and seeing excellence of nature!!!
Some pictures from Bohinj:

I look forward to my next experiences...
Stay tooned :)
Your CEEDer
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