Its been a long time since our last posting. Not because nothing was happening, but because too much was happening. We finished recruitment of new members and lead our new members through the introduction to AIESEC stage of their AIESEC experience. From the very beginning i was amazed about how much energy these new members have. Now it is our our responsibility to turn their energy into passion for AIESEC, the same passion as we have. And we managed to do the first step towards it on Slovenian International Motivational Seminar.

It was really an incredible conference, with international chair from Germany and three international facilitators, one from Germany, the other from Slovakia, and the third one from Macedonia. Three days in Kranjska Gora were really amazing. It is quite a hard work to prepare such a conference, but once its over, the feeling of an achievement is overwhelming. Especially when you see the new members who get touched by what our organization is doing. The Slovenian International Motivational Conference is one of the rare opportunities, where you can see how much people can grow in only 3 days.

This generation of new AIESEC members is really incredible! Most of them are very proactive, looking forward for AIESEC opportunities that lie ahead. They are already planning to go to international conferences like CEEMOS in Tunisia or CEELDS in Turkey, both happening in February 2008. In a way i wish i was in executive board of a local committe, because then i would have an opportunity to be directly involved with these members. It seems that it will really not be hard to work with them. Last year's generation was completley different. They were really lazy and they didn't take AIESEC very seriously. They wanted to attend local committe meetings just because they had to fill their time somehow. We tried to motivate them in material and non-material ways, but nothing seemed to work. If we kept them as members, they would be really bad role models for the new generation. We are just not an organization for everybody. One of the thousands of interesting things i have learned in AIESEC is that 3 passionate members can achieve a lot more than 1000 that are not passionate. This is why a selection of members in AIESEC is not an evil thing that we do, but a must! It has really always been a mistery to me, why the whole last year's generation was so different. The first thing that a reasonable person should ask himself is what did i do wrong, or what have we done wrong last year. I couldn't find any answer to this question. We have heard from other international student organizations in Slovenia that they had very similar problems, so it couldn't have been our mistake. I've been thinking a lot about it, but i could just find no good answer.

But what is important right now, is to put the past behind us and look forward for the future. Never before since i've been in this organization have we had so much potential than right now. And its not only the new member's potentials, but there are also new partnerships on the horizon, something we lacked for the past couple of years. But we are going to keep the details for ourselves for some more time now, until the final contracts are signed. Besides, there is a lot of potential right now to realize more incoming exchanges this year than in last couple of years. And the new intranet of our organization is going to be released in the coming month... There are really so many things happening, that it is a really the most exciting time to be in the MC this year. If we can make the current progress sustainable, then we are on the right way to change the world!
MC Slovenia
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